Mailing Address

Sunny Jones Chapter #49
P.O. Box 19354
San Diego, CA 92159

Virtual Meetings

We host our meetings every Saturday via Zoom at 12:30. Please visit our Calendar here to view details and updates.

Let's Connect

    Apply for Membership

    Only recipients of the Purple Heart may be admitted to membership. It is essential that all prospective members provide documentary proof of having received the Purple Heart. A copy of a DD-214, DD-215, WDAGO 53-55, NAVPR-333, General Orders, Transmittal of Awards or other documentation specifying receipt of the Purple Heart are the preferred documents to be submitted with the application form.

    Purple Heart recipients can currently apply for membership only by mail. Complete the form, include your dues, attach a copy of the appropriate documentary proof, and mail to MOPH Headquarters address, below. The application will be reviewed to confirm eligibility status, and if valid, membership will be activated. The process takes about two weeks to complete.

    MOPH Headquarters

    5413-B Backlick Road, Springfield VA 22151-3960.


    Use Form Above


    C: (717) 524-9154 – Commander